A history in brief and your most popular Conklin Pens! It has been a while since we took a look at one of the brands that we offer at The Hamilton Pen Company and with an influx of new products this month we decided it was time to take a look at the history of the Conklin Pen Company. Here...


Exploring popular bottled inks in 2024 It began one morning, when out of curiosity I began scrolling through the Hamilton Pen Company Ink section wondering which inks are the most popular. The expectation being that amongst the sensible and practical purchases of refills, I would be in a sea of ‘everyday’ ink. Now, I should preface the former by stating...


Get Inspired by the Pens of Great Writers and Historical Figures. After delving into the world of famous writers and their cherished pens in our previous article, we couldn't resist bringing you some more inspirational writers and their weapons of choice.  In this second instalment, we explore the pens that became extensions of the hands of literary giants, allowing them...


Get Inspired by the Pens of Great Writers - Part 1 (main image: Simone de Beauvoir: credit-  Denise Bellon / AKG images) Throughout history, great minds have left their mark not only through their ideas and accomplishments but also through the tools they used to express themselves. Pens, in particular, have played a significant role in the lives of many...



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